CLAIM LISTING: You see if your listing is already entered by searching for your name in the search field on the LISTINGS page. Or, you can create a new listing if there is not one in the system already for you. Please check to see if you have a listing already before you create a new one. If you want to claim a listing find your name in the search. Next find the words claim listing and click on them. It will take you to a screen that says claim, it looks like this.

Enter whatever information you have that will help us realize you are the owner of the foster home. After you hit the claim button, the system will take you to a page that looks like a checkout where you will create your account. It looks like this:

This page will ask your for the obvious information. It looks like a checkout but will not ask you for your credit card unless you are buying an upgraded package. Our listings are free for Facility owners and you do not have to buy anything to get your listing here on

After you claim your listing, you will be able to edit the details of your foster home. Make sure to put your contact information. I am seeing homes forget to do that. Please add your phone number at the very minimum. In the description, tell the world what makes your foster home special and unique. Talk about your experience and how long you have been in business. You do not have to put your street address if you do not want to, but PLEASE at least put in the name of the town your foster home is in so people are able to use your listing for placement. The more info you put in your description the better. People placing their loved ones will use this site as well as placement coordinators, hospitals and other facilities.

ADD LISTING: find the ad listing button on this site. On the desktop version it says add listing on the top right hand corner of the screen On the mobile version it has a green plus symbol on the top right hand corner of the screen. It will ask you to make an account, then it will take you through the steps shown above. Please write down your account information. You will need it to add pictures and to change the status of your empty beds.

This page was created and is maintained by me, Jacob Ormsby. As a foster home owner myself, I realize we needed a way to compete with the large companies that have large advertising budgets. I also own a media company, NOW ADVERTISING MEDIA. One of the most important aspects of this page is how it can be updated by all the home owners to show if there are empty beds or not. It has been a problem within the industry since the beginning. Placement coordinators spend hours on the phone to place just one person. This causes them to look to the larger facilities that have more beds and more chance of open beds to cut down on their placement time. OREGONFOSTERHOMES.COM is our solution to this problem. Every monday morning simply adjust your open beds and make placement easier for families and coordinators alike. There is nothing quite like this in the state.

Please give us an email if you have questions or problems. We are very excited about this project and believe it will change how placements are made in the state of Oregon.

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